Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Coffee with cardamom & cinnamon

Hi ,

Few months ago I  wrote a post what I drink instead of coffee , but today I have to confess  few weeks ago I started to drink coffee again ( not everyday) but every here and there . I tried green tea , mate tea ,matcha tea, non caffeine coffee  ( still I think these alternative are great )but I really like to start my day  with cup of coffee ( but before drinking coffee I always drink glass of water with lemon , never drink coffee on an empty stomach) .
Difference between now and old days is before I didn't bother what type of coffee I drunk -normally it was  any instant coffee , now I only drink organic  brewed coffee and I always  add some cinnamon and  1 seed of cardamom - why -? (  many of the vitamins and essential oils in cardamom act as antioxidants, cleaning up free radicals and resisting cellular aging. Like ginger and turmeric, its relatives, cardamom has some anti-inflammatory properties that limit pain and swelling, especially in mucus membranes, the mouth, and throat.Cardamom is related to ginger and can be used in much the same way to counteract digestive problems. Use it to combat nausea, acidity, bloating, gas, heartburn, loss of appetite, constipation, and much more).

And you ? how do you like to drink your coffee?.

Friday, 18 August 2017

Recipe - Chocolate pencakes

Ingredients :

- 2 eggs
- 1 banana
- 1 spoon of cocoa powder
- 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
- 2-3 drops of pure vanilla extract
- 4 spoons of porridge 

Method of preparation : 

1. Grind porridge in blender with a banana
2. Mix all ingredients together 
3. In a frying pan heat up some coconut oil and fry pancakes  on each side.

Bon Appetite ..... 

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Recipe - Fit Bounty

Today another easy to make healthy snack , and if you like coconut then this recipe its just for you.


-200g coconut flour
-3/4 can of coconut milk
-2 spoons of maple syrup
-200g dark chocolate 


1.Coconut flour , coconut milk ( it is coconut milk in can) and maple syrup mix together in food blender.
2.Shape the bars.
3.Put bars into refrigerate for about 30/40 minutes.
4. Before taking out bars from the refrigerate melt dark chocolate. 
5.After 30/40 minutes take out bars from the refrigerate  and pour melted chocolate on the top of the bars.
6.Put into fridge for about 1 hour.
7. When chocolate is hard on the top of the bars then bars are ready to be eaten.
8. Keep bars in the fridge.

Hope you like it ...What is your favourite healthy snacks?

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Recipe - Energy balls with chick pea

Hi everyone 

Today I am going to share with you with an another recipe for healthy, easy and quick  to make snack .

Ingredients :

-1 can of chick pea
-2 spoons of peanut butter
-2 spoons of maple syrup
-2 spoons of cacao powder
-2 spoons of coconut flour

Method of preparation :

1. Grind chick pea in food processor .
2.Add the rest of the ingredients and blend on a smooth mass.
3.Form a ball ( roll a balls into a  coconut flour )
4.Keep in the fridge 

I hope you will enjoy as me do :-)

Saturday, 12 August 2017

Recipe - delicious energy balls

Hi everyone after long break :-).

Today I will share with you with an easy and quick  recipe how to make another healthy energy balls. 

Ingredients :

-1/4 cup of almonds
-1/4 cup of walnuts
-1/4 cup of cashew
-2 spoons of pumpkin seeds
-2 spoons of raisins
-2 spoons of chia
-2 spoons of flaxseeds
-2 spoons of cocoa powder ( you can add more )
-10-15 dates 
-2 spoons of shredded coconut 

Method of preparation

1. All dry ingredients ( nuts , pumpkin seeds, chia seeds , flaxseeds, shredded coconut  ) grind to a fine powder in food processor .
2. Separately grind raisins, dates in food processor .
3. Mix all ingredients together , add cocoa powder .
4.From the finished mass  form small balls. 
5.Keep them in the fridge .

Hope you will like them as me do :-)

My New Blog

 I have published a new blog centered around healthy food, beauty and DIY recipes. Click here  to visit.