Monday 13 February 2017

The simplest Recipe for vegetable burgers with cauliflower

The simplest version of the fast and tasty vegetable burgers. Few ingredients, a little work, and the effect -very tasty , light and healthy dinner/lunch/snack.


  • 1 large cauliflower
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • small onion
  • 3 tablespoons bread crumbs ( you can replace bread crumbs with spelt flour )
  • salt and pepper
  • in additional you can add one tablespoon chopped parsley

Method of preparing:
  1. Boil cauliflower in salted water (cauliflower must be not very soft).
  2. Mash the cooled cauliflower with a fork.
  3. Add to the cauliflower 2 eggs, salt, pepper, pressed garlic, chopped onion and chopped parsley and 3 tablespoons of bread crumbs ( or spelt flour ).
  4. Make a small burgers with the mixed ingredients - add more flour or bread crumbs if needed until satisfying consistency (until they won't fall apart).
  5. In a frying pan heat up  some coconut oil and fry burgers on each side.

I served them with cucumber salad and vegetables.

Enjoy! This is a great lunch recipe!

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