Saturday 12 August 2017

Recipe - delicious energy balls

Hi everyone after long break :-).

Today I will share with you with an easy and quick  recipe how to make another healthy energy balls. 

Ingredients :

-1/4 cup of almonds
-1/4 cup of walnuts
-1/4 cup of cashew
-2 spoons of pumpkin seeds
-2 spoons of raisins
-2 spoons of chia
-2 spoons of flaxseeds
-2 spoons of cocoa powder ( you can add more )
-10-15 dates 
-2 spoons of shredded coconut 

Method of preparation

1. All dry ingredients ( nuts , pumpkin seeds, chia seeds , flaxseeds, shredded coconut  ) grind to a fine powder in food processor .
2. Separately grind raisins, dates in food processor .
3. Mix all ingredients together , add cocoa powder .
4.From the finished mass  form small balls. 
5.Keep them in the fridge .

Hope you will like them as me do :-)

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