Thursday 17 August 2017

Recipe - Fit Bounty

Today another easy to make healthy snack , and if you like coconut then this recipe its just for you.


-200g coconut flour
-3/4 can of coconut milk
-2 spoons of maple syrup
-200g dark chocolate 


1.Coconut flour , coconut milk ( it is coconut milk in can) and maple syrup mix together in food blender.
2.Shape the bars.
3.Put bars into refrigerate for about 30/40 minutes.
4. Before taking out bars from the refrigerate melt dark chocolate. 
5.After 30/40 minutes take out bars from the refrigerate  and pour melted chocolate on the top of the bars.
6.Put into fridge for about 1 hour.
7. When chocolate is hard on the top of the bars then bars are ready to be eaten.
8. Keep bars in the fridge.

Hope you like it ...What is your favourite healthy snacks?

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