Saturday, 15 October 2016

Why eating breakfast its important.

Very often we ignore the first meal of the day, forgetting that it is the most important meal.

Breakfast is best eaten 30 minutes after waking up, its provides strength and energy for the whole day, stimulates our bodies and minds, further improves our mood. We must therefore focus our attention at what we should be eating. Meals need to be healthy, so that we have enough energy for the whole day. Those of us who count calories, don't  worry because the day is very long and what we eat in the morning we would have already been burnt off. Eating very little breakfast or not, has a negative result  in overeating at night. Habit that can lead to obesity, as well as continuous irritability, mood swings and feeling unwell.

Without eating breakfast we are more irritable and more prone to stress, easily nervous, we are also less productive. Although we wake up rested, quickly we start to feel tired and this state may persist even into the evening. As we can see not eating breakfast brings only negative effects.

Remember that your breakfast should be full blown meal containing carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Your breakfast should be wholesome and constitute 25-30% of your daily caloric requirement.

What to avoid:

- Sweetened cereals ( instead of eat whole grain oats or make your own healthy muesli) )
- Greasy sausages, hams and other products rich in fat
- White bread ( instead of eat brown )
- Cakes and pastries
- Juice from the store
- Sweetened drinks
- Hot chocolate
- Sugar

We should eat:

- Eggs in various forms, it can be an omelette, scrambled eggs, soft-boiled egg
- Brown bread
- Cottage cheese
- Fruit
- Vegetables
- Skim milk
- Natural  or Greek yoghurt
- Freshly squeezed juice

Below are examples of a healthy breakfast ( found on the internet ).

Bon Appetite:-)

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