Sunday 18 September 2016

Why eat ginger ?

Advantages of consuming ginger ?

Ginger shows valuable medicinal properties. Antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory.

1. Struggling with flu and colds

It is an excellent source of anti-inflammatory substances, which brings relief to bodily joints. In addition to that, it reduces airway inflammation and stimulates bodily circulation.

2.Strengthens the immune system.

3.Relieves stomach discomfort.

4.It helps digestion and speeds up the metabolism, so it is recommended for weight loss.

5.It helps with flatulence.

6.It improves blood circulation.

It has warming effect. Ginger has a rich source of zinc, chromium and magnesium, which effectively fights fevers and chills.

7.Reduces pain.

Ginger relieves headaches, muscle and joint pain. Soothes, reduces anxiety and fatigue, improves your mood.

Ginger can be bought in tablet form, ground ginger, ginger root and marinated ginger.

I always purchase fresh ginger root, then peel the skin off, grate and refrigerate. Everyday I drink glass of warm water with one teaspoon of grated ginger root.

Add ginger to your diet, after a few days you will notice the difference.

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