Wednesday 5 October 2016

Recipe - Almonds with Cinnamon

Few months ago I decided to limit my sweet intake.It was hard for the first week , after that it got easier. Now I prefer to eat more healthy sweet alternatives. Today I will share with you with an easy and fast to make recipe as an alternative to sweet! "Sweets Almonds"



Method for preparing:
Place honey and cinnamon in a bowl and mix well, add almonds and mix again. Spread the almonds on baking sheet or oven proof dish. Bake in oven at 350c for around10-15 minutes, Remove from oven, separate them from paper as they will be slightly sticky, Serve in  dish or bowl.

Almonds are sweet, crunchy and tasty. A great Snack ( be wary they are very addictive :-))

Do you know of any healthy sweet snack? Please share with me.

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