Monday 10 October 2016

Recipe - healthy, sweet chia dessert

If you fancy drinking something healthy, sweet and light. I have just the recipe for you. Its quick and easy to make as well.


  • 4 teaspoons of Chia seed.
  • 4 teaspoons of milk or Almond/Coconut milk.
  • 3-4 teaspoons of water.
  • In addition, If you have a liking for very sweet desserts,  you can add xylitol or other healthy sugar substitutes, 
  • My preference is one teaspoon of honey.
  • 10 strawberries.
  • Optional blueberries.
  • Optional mango slices.

Method of preparing:

1. Pour chia seeds  into a bowl, add milk, water and mix thoroughly. Leave standing in refrigerator for an hour or overnight.
2. Mix the strawberries with sugar substitute ( Maximum of 1 tablespoon).
3. Once chia seed are soft from soaking pour into jar, cup or glass.
4.  "my choice" Using Nutribullet or any other suitable blender to blend fruits.Place strawberries/blueberries juice on top of already poured chia mix.

That`s one hell of an impressive looking dessert! Great talking point in parties!.
Do you know of any healthy dessert ? Please share with me.

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