Saturday 1 April 2017

Recipe - delicious , healthy energy balls.

Today another recipe for something sweet without sugar. I have made this delicious energy balls once and I love the recipe -it is so easy & quick to make and you need only few ingredients .

Ingredients :

-0,3 glass of agave syrup
-0,5 glass of peanut butter
-1 glass of porridge
-2 spoons of sesame ( I used organic black sesame )
-5 spoons of chia seeds
-50 gram dark chopped chocolate

Method of preparation :

1.Mix agave syrup with peanut butter.
2.Add porridge, sesame, chia seeds, and chopped chocolate and mix all ingredients together.
3.All mixed ingredients put in the fridge for about 30 minutes.
4.Form a small  balls , keep them in the fridge .

I hope you like recipe as I do ;-)

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