Monday 20 February 2017

Recipe - Porridge for breakfast

I have already mentioned in my previous post how eating breakfast its important for our health and body ( please click at the following link)  .

Today I will show you healthy ,easy and quick recipe for breakfast .

Ingredients :
  • half glass of whole grain porridge
  • half banana
  • 2 teaspoon of chia or flaxseeds
  • 3 teaspoon of fresh blueberry
  • few walnuts
  • soya milk -you can use coconut or almond milk .

Pour milk in a pan and start heating up on low to medium heat.Once you see porridge is almost ready stir well.  Pour porridge into a bowl, add blueberries, banana, chia seeds, walnuts. Delicious and very healthy  breakfast is ready :-).

What it is your favourite breakfast?.

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